We have all the field properties you need to ensure a perfect data and form experience for your end users. We are process nerds and we have your back when it comes to being detail oriented!
For a list of Field Types, please see our helpful article.
Field Name
All fields are required to have a field name and is defaulted to the field type name for PDFs or the highlighted text in the Document Editor. This is very important to labeling the data field for future use as well as the form view.
Field Key
This is a Read Only field for tiers with either Batch Upload or API integrations. It displays two unique keys: NAME and KEY. For users uploading a CSV file to batch create documents, such as a 1099, they will often have column names with FIRST_NAME. These columns should be the same as the values in the NAME. The NAME is simply an uppercase ASCII representation of the Field Name with all punctuation removed.
Attention: This is useful for documents where there are no fields with repeated labels, ie a FIRST_NAME for a Parent and a FIRST_NAME for a Student. In these cases, either make each Field Label
In cases with an API integration or true uniqueness is paramount, use the KEY, which is a randomly assigned 8-digit number to each field.
Label Configuration (Document Editor)
In our document editor, we ensure that your text is seamless with your form fields. You can alter the display of the field name: Left, Right, Legal and None.
Left: Field Name displays to the left of the input area
Right: Field Name displays to the right of the input area
Legal: Field Name displays to the right of the input area in quotation makes and parenthesis, ie ("Effective Date")
None: Only the input area displays to the user in the Document View
Field Grouping
See our article on field grouping for more information
Field Type
If you created the wrong field, no problem! You don't need to delete the field and start over. Simply change the Field Type and it will change.
Field Assignment
See our article on field assignment for more information.
Personal Information (PII)
For tiers handling sensitive data, we offer an extra security layer for PII/PHI fields. See our help article on how to capture first name, last name and email, which is a special use case of PII fields.
Field Masking
For tiers handling sensitive data, we offer field masking in text fields: Last Four, Last Six, Custom Text and Hidden. Field Masking applies to the data input, the completed PDF and manager users. This provides extra transport security that is not available commonly on the market.
On data input, data is masked and can be revealed by selecting the eye icon.
When a PDF is saved, it will use the appropriate rule, ie displaying only the last four or last six characters, not displaying anything (hidden) or displaying custom text, such as DATA ON FILE.
Only privileged users are able to see such data in the admin interface.
While we are a HIPAA compliant product and are equipped to handle a variety of sensitive data areas, we are not PCI compliant and cannot handle credit card data.
Max Length
For text fields that can only have a certain length, such as 10 characters, enter the number of maximum characters.
Font Size
Our default font size is 16. For our document editor, the font size is mapped to the font selected. For the PDF, you may need to decrease the font to display well within a particular document.
Help Text
Help text displays within the input field to aid the user to fill in the field correctly.
If checked, the field is required. On multi-page forms, the user cannot go to the next page without completing the required field. You may optionally provide custom validation text to display. The default text is "FIELD NAME is required," ie "First Name is required."